IAD: I’m Already at Dulles 

Getting to Dulles is easier than you think. With a 14-mile airport access highway that connects to I-66 and the beltway, Dulles is your closest International Airport. 


Drive Time Comparison

Drive Time

Get Your Drive Time

Map your route to see how fast you can get here.

Memorial Bridge to Dulles map


Get Through Dulles Faster

Dulles is ranked #1 on the east coast for on-time take-offs* which means you’re on your way faster.  Dulles also offers the latest technology that makes traveling through the airport easy. 

Try these features to help get you on your way faster:

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recommends arriving to the airport two hours in advance of a domestic flight and three hours before an international trip.

*Source: Department of Transportation Airline On-Time Tables 2017.

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